Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation - What do the letters CPR stand for?, Neck or wrist - Name two places you could check for a pulse, 2 inches - In CPR, compressions must be how deep?, Check for safety - What is the first thing you do when arriving at a scene?, On the center of the sternum - When performing CPR where should you place your hands on the chest?, Check the injured person by "tap and shout" - After you have checked the scene for safety your next step is to..., The chest to rise and fall - In Look, Listen, Feel you are LOOKING for..., Apply pressure to the wound - In controlling bleeding the most important thing to do is..., 30 compressions to 2 breaths - The rate of compressions to breaths for CPR should be..., 5 abdominal thrusts, 5 back blows - To treat someone who is choking and is no longer able to cough you will..., Good Samaritan Law - What is the law that protects you when providing first aid & CPR, Call 9-1-1 and get an AED - Once you have checked the injured and determined they are not responsive you will..., Personal protective equipment - What does PPE stand for?, AED - This sends a quick jolt of electricity to the heart, 100 - Chest compressions are always given at a rate of how many compressions per minute?, Check, call, care - What do the 3 C's stand for when dealing with first aid and CPR?, Airway, breathing, circulation - What are the ABCs of CPR?, Automated External Defibrillator - What does AED stand for?, Rest, ice, compression, elevation - R.I.C.E stands for, Compressions - What is the most important part of CPR?,

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