Covalent bonding - molecular: simple molecular structure for small molecules,  Glucose, methane, carbon dioxide, atoms joined by sharing pairs of electrons, weak attractions between molecules, do not conduct electricity, because no charged particles are present, low boiling points, because little energy is needed to overcome the weak attractions between the molecules, intermolecular forces, non-metal atoms , Relative Molecular mass , Ionic bonding: giant ionic structure, ions attracted by their opposite charges, lattice of alternating cations and anions, strong attractions between oppositely charged ions, high melting points, a lot of energy is needed to overcome the strong forces of attractions between oppositely charged ions. , only conduct when molten or in aqueous solution, because the ions can move, metal and non-metal chemically combined, Relative formula mass, sodium chloride, transfer of electrons from metal atom to non-metal atom, Covalent - giant: high melting high melting and boiling points because of the many strong covalent bonds valent bondsvalent bonds, Diamond, Giant covalent structure, Graphite, Silicon dioxide, Allotropes of carbon,

CS Bonding and structure (no metallic bonding)

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