Smallest City in the World - Vatican City, Italy, World's Most Popular Vacation Destination - France, Largest Country in the World - Russia, Most Densely Populated Country in the World - Monaco, Largest Continent (One Third of Earth's total land) - Asia, The Largest Archipelago (chain of islands) - Indonesia, The most Sparsely populated country - Mongolia, The largest island - Greenland, Largest Land Gorge - The Grand Canyon, Longest Beach - Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, Deepest and Oldest Lake - Lake Baikal, Siberia, Russia, Driest Place - Atacama Desert, Chile, Widest River - The Amazon, Longest Mountain Range - The Andes, Highest Volcano - Aconcagua, Longest River - The Nile River, Egypt, Largest Living Structure - The Great Barrier Reef, Driest Continent - Antarctica, Largest Ice Shelf - The Ross Ice Shelf, Highest Temperature ever Recorded (57.7°C) - Al Aziziyah, Sahara Desert,

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