1) ______ these four loaves of bread enough? a) Isn't b) Aren't 2) There _______ still horse ranches within the city limits of San Diego. a) is b) are 3) Neither of the loudspeakers ______ working by the end of the concert. a) was b) were 4) Two members of the golf team ______ able to finish the course at five under par. a) was b) were 5) Off the coast of Maine _____ many rocky islands. a) is b) are 6) Ten dollars _____ a fair price for the used tennis racket. a) was b) were 7) My height and weight _____ average for my age. a) is b) are 8) _______ you think we can win? a) Don't b) Doesn't 9) The team _____ fighting among themselves over the choice of a new captain. a) was b) were 10) Incredible Athletic Feats _______ an interesting book by Jim Benagh. a) is b) are 11) Every student and teacher ______ at the dedication ceremony. a) was b) were 12) Ellen's sister, along with my cousin, _______ at the University of Wisconsin. a) is b) are 13) One fourth of the world's population _____ on less than two thousand dollars a year. a) live b) lives 14) ______ you able to solve the math problem? a) Wasn't b) Weren't 15) One of our best pitchers _____ unable to play in the country championships. a) were b) was

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