1) We use the past continuous... a) to talk about an action in progress at a particular time in the past b) to talk about recent past events c) to talk about life experiences d) to talk about two continuous parallel actions e) to speak about finished states, events and actions that took place at a s f) to set the scene at the beginning of a story and to give backgrou 2) We also use the past continuous... a) to describe completed actions happening in sequence b) to talk about a temporary action in the past c) programmes/timetables d) to talk about an activity in progress interrupted by another event e) to talk about recent past events f) to talk about life experiences 3) We use the past simple a) to talk about a temporary action in the past b) to talk about an activity in progress interrupted by another event c) to speak about finished states, events and actions that took place at a specific d) to talk about recent past events e) to set the scene at the beginning of a story and to give background information f) to describe completed actions happening in sequence 4) We use the present perfect a) to talk about life experiences b) to set the scene at the beginning of a story and to give background information c) to talk about a temporary action in the past d) to talk about recent past events e) to speak about finished states, events and actions that took place f) to describe completed actions happening in sequence 5) We use the future simple (will + bare infinitive) a) planned actions b) fixed future events c) an inevitable future action /fact d) intentions e) future predictions f) beliefs and opnions about the future 6) We also use the future simple (will + bare infinitive) for... a) spontaneous decisions b) programmes/timetables c) planned actions d) promises, threats, warnings e) predictions based on present evidence f) offers to do something 7) We use the present simple to speak about the future for... a) planned actions b) fixed future events c) near future actions with time reference d) programmes/timetables e) spontaneous decisions f) offers to do something 8) We use the present continuous to talk about the future for... a) planned actions b) intentions c) predictions based on present evidence d) fixed future events e) programmes/timetables f) near future actions with time reference 9) We use ' be going to' to talk about... a) planned actions b) spontaneous decisions c) predictions based on present evidence d) an inevitable future action /fact e) intentions f) future predictions

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