recognize - to identify or know someone; to know from past experience, albino - person with skin deficient in pigment (melanin), earring - a piece of jewellery that you wear on or through your ear, merman - half man and half fish, distinguish - to tell apart; to cause to stand out, dramatically - suddenly or unexpectedly; with much drama, canteloupe - a melon (fruit) with a rough hard warty rind, clementine - a mandarin orange (fruit) of a deep reddish orange color and few seeds, rind - thick and firm outer coat or covering (esp. of citrus fruits), windowsill - a shelf below a window, either inside or outside a building, masterpiece - a great work of art, prerogative - a special right or privilege; a special quality showing excellence, boulevard - a wide street in a town or city, typically one lined with trees., assemble - to put or bring together, cereal - any grain like barley, oats, or wheat that is grown for food,

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