1) past tense of see a) sau b) seed c) saw d) sore 2) past tense of go a) going b) goed c) went d) got 3) past tense of cry a) cryed b) crying c) cried d) creed 4) past tense of drink a) drank b) drunk c) drinked d) drinking 5) past tense of run a) rin b) running c) run d) ran 6) past tense of swim a) swem b) swam c) swum d) swim 7) past tense of fall a) falled b) fell c) felled d) falling 8) past tense of know a) knowed b) no c) knew d) knowing 9) past tense of awake a) awoke b) waking c) woke d) awaked 10) past tense of write a) writed b) wrote c) rote d) writing

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