1) The first verse was revealed from the Holy Qur'an is: a) الحمدلله رب العالمين b) قُلْ هو الله أحد c) اقْرأْ باسم ربك الذي خلق 2) Repeating the word “Read”, at the beginning of Surat Al-’Alaq refers to: a) The importance of reading only. b) The importance of writing only. c) The importance of reading only. 3) One of the important reasons of reading: a) It raises up the person. b) Nothing would be benefited. c) b. 4) It raises the person a) Table and chair. b) Pen and pencil 5) The knowledge of Allah is: a) Un-limited b) Limited 6) I find difficulties in reading Qur'an, so I.............. a) Practice a lot b) Don't read Qur'an again. 7) who shows Mercy to others, Allah will be Mercy with him. a) True b) False 8) Aman who always prays will enter the a) Hell b) Paradise.  9) One of the reciting etiquette is a) Saying "Bismillah".  b) Eating while reciting. 10) To get full marks, you should study well. a) False b) True

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