1) Today, my mother cooked my favourite ..............., chicken and rice. a) dish b) cuisine c) dessert d) ingredient 2) This lemonade tastes ................ I'd like to add some sugar in it. a) spicy b) salty c) sour d) sweet 3) You can put two cloves of garlic in the sauce to add ............... a) flavor b) piece c) oil d) mixture 4) Linda loves Italian ................ She eats pasta every day! a) mixture b) cuisine c) step d) process 5) My mother always ................ the meat before she cooks because it tastes better. a) serves b) drains  c) marinets d) places 6) Let me read the ................. It says, "Dice the carrots into small pieces." a) ingredients b) cuisine c) dish d) recipe 7) ............... the pasta with a strainer. a) mash b) pour c) drain d) whisk 8) Add just a ................ of salt to the soup. If you add too much, it will be salty. a) packet b) clove c) bunch d) pinch 9) You must ................ the soup with a spoon when it's boiling. a) knead b) pour c) stir d) crack 10) Brain usually ............... the meat. a) boils b) bakes c) grills d) fries 11) A: ................ do you bake the cake? B: for about 40 minutes. a) What time b) How often c) How long d) When 12) The cake was so ................ that we all had a second piece. a) tasty b) fatty c) salty d) spicy 13) I want to bake my cookies. ............... the oven, please. a) Boil b) Add c) Spread d) Heat 14) Find the odd one. a) mash b) peel c) slice d) fry 15) A: I want to make a cake. Is there any ..........? B: How much do you need? a) flour b) rice c) cheese d) parsley


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