1) We ___ call Peter. It’s been a while since the last time. a) should b) coulds c) a and b are correct 2) You ____ park here. The place is for the handicapped. a) shouldn’t to b) shouldn’t c) should not to 3) ____ they come earlier ? a) Should b) Had better c) Should to 4) You ____ be there early to hel Samantha for the dinner party. She’ll be so glad! a) could b) should not c) had better not 5) John, you _____ go home, if you’re not feeling well. a) should b) better c) could 6) Nancy________ take a vacation in Can Cun or Rivera Maya. a) could to b) could c) better 7) I _________to do my laundry this Saturday. a) could b) should c) better

B10: Giving advice: Should, Could, Had Better

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