Suburban - the area just outside of a city, substantial - large size or amount, significant - important, scenario - an imagined or projected sequence of events, prevalent - widespread acceptance or use of something, predator - an organism that preys on other organisms, pathogen - any disease-producing agent, pandemic - widespread throughout a large area, mutate - to change form, masticate - to chew, lethal - something that causes death, demography - the science of social statistics, emerge - to come into view after being hidden, encroach - to trespass in some way, erode - to eat away at or slowly destroy, exacerbate - to aggravate something/someone, fragment - a small piece of a much larger object, immune - exempt or protected, inextricable - hopelessly tied to something/someone, infect - to contaminate with disease, irritate - to excite to impatience or anger/annoy, larvae - the immature, wingless, feeding stage of an insect, eradicate - to destroy,

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