1) I wish I ... a) had a Ferrari. b) will buy a Ferrari c) would buy a Ferrari. 2) I wish I ... a) studied for the test. b) will study for the test. c) had studied for the test. 3) I wish I ... a) had played the piano b) could play the piano. c) have play the piano. d) will play the piano. 4) I wish I ... a) I will have blue eyes. b) had blue eyes. c) I can have blue eyes. 5) I wish I ... a) is having a dog. b) will have a dog c) had a dog. 6) I wish my father ... a) stops smoking. b) would stop smoking. c) will stop smoking. 7) I wish I ... a) will fly. b) had flown. c) would fly. d) could fly. 8) I wish my friends a) had been late. b) would be late. c) wouldn't be late. d) could be late. 9) I wish I ... a) would be fatter. b) hadn't eaten so much. c) could eat a lot. 10) I wish I ... a) wasn't raining. b) would stop raining. c) were at home.

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