Times like these can be ____ and it can be hard to keep track of everything. That's going on one of the best ways to handle the public ____ issue like Covid19 is to be educated and prepared and to get your information from ____ sources.A corona ____ is a type of virus in fact there are multiple different kinds. Covid 19 is the ____ caused by a brand-new corona virus that hadn't been identified at humans until late ____was first seen according to the CDC.It ____mainly from person to person when they were in close contact within six feet and ____ from a cough or sneeze from someone infected with Covic 19 landed the ____ or mouth will gets inhaled by somebody else who is close by the CDC. It also says it might spread from touching surfaces where the virus is found. So here's the CDC's top tips to help them in spray and keep from getting ____,wash your hands often with water and soap for 20 seconds at least count as you go. If you can't wash your hands use hand sanitizer. Try not to touch your nose mouth eyes with unwashedhands.Alittle bit of distance can be a big help. Now let's talk about symptoms the signs that a person might have this illness arefever cough and ____ of breath. Symptoms can take two to ____ days to surface.

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