1) Remember that you .......... tell anybody about my secret. a) mustn't b) must c) musts nots 2) Sorry, but you ........ park here. a) won't b) musts c) mustn't 3) You ....... see it! a) must not b) must c) mustn't 4) Why ........ you be so rude? a) mustn't b) must c) musting 5) You ....... give it back. a) mustn'ts b) musts nots c) must 6) Why ........ we be there exactly at 5 am? a) must b) mustn't c) musts be 7) You ....... be fit to go on the Desert Challenge. a) must b) musts c) musting 8) Why ....... you leave the group? a) musts not b) must c) mustn't 9) You ........ take dogs into the school. It isn't allowed. a) mustn't b) must c) musts 10) She ........ hide. a) mustn't b) musts c) must

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