1) There ... cushions on the sofa. a) aren't any b) are some c) is a d) isn't a 2) There ... poster on the wall. a) is a b) isn't a c) are d) aren't any 3) There ... a cat in front of the plant. a) are b) isn't c) is d) aren't 4) There ... three chairs. a) aren't b) isn't c) is d) are 5) There ... a carpet on the floor. a) are b) isn't c) is d) aren't 6) There ... big plants behind the sofa. a) is a b) aren't any c) are some d) isn't a 7) There ... a fridge in the bedroom. a) isn't b) is c) are d) aren't 8) There ... a dog on the sofa. a) is b) isn't c) are d) aren't 9) There ... two lamps in the living room. a) isn't b) is c) aren't d) are 10) There ... a carpet on the floor. a) are b) is c) isn't d) aren't 11) There ... kittens in the garden. a) is a b) aren't any c) are three d) isn't a 12) There ... two dogs in the bath. a) are b) aren't c) is d) isn't

Go Getter (1) 3.7 There is / are (Revision)

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