1) ................., I'll have my B2 language exam before the end of the Grammar School. a) Luckily, b) Ideally, c) Hopefully, d) Foolishly, e) Surprisingly, f) Accidentally, 2) ..........., he offered me to drive me home. a) Ideally, b) To my surprise, c) Luckily, d) Frankly, e) Hopefully, f) Accidentally, 3) ............., I'll get this job.I've had enough of being unemployed. a) Hopefully, b) Frankly, c) Foolishly, d) Immediately, e) To my surprise, f) Ideally, 4) ......., Ann accepted a ride in a stranger's car. a) Stupidly, b) Frankly, c) Foolishly, d) Ideally, e) Immediately, f) Luckily, 5) She has been feeling sick all day, so......., he won't go riding tonight. a) obviously b) to my surprise c) fortunately d) surprisingly e) not surprisingly f) stupidly 6) ....., his son doesn't agree with him, so they have to come to an agreement. a) Stupidly, b) Fortunately, c) Personally, d) Not surprisingly, e) Lately, f) Ideally 7) ........, we've got a new teacher. a) Apparently, b) To be honest, c) Fortunately, d) Foolishly,

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