What is the time setting of the poem? How do you know this? , What is the emotional state of the traveler? , Compare the time of the poem in stanza 1-3 and the time in stanza 4. What is happening in stanza 4?, The roads in the poem are a metaphor for what? , Analyze the last line of the poem. What do you think the speaker means by the last line?, Do you think the road in this poem is a good metaphor for life? Explain. , What does the dilemma of which road to choose symbolize?, The undergrowth at the end of the road is a metaphor of our inability to see into the future. Explain., Why does the speaker want to go down the road less traveled? , Why do you think the poem is called "The Road Not Taken," even though it is a poem about the road he chose to take?, Which road did the speaker choose? How did the speaker make his decision? , Do you think the last line of the poem, "and that made all the difference" means that the speaker was happy with his decision? , Give one reason why it was hard for the speaker to decide which road to take. , "Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back." Explain this quote in your own words..

The Road not Taken Wheel -Analysis and Interpretation

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