wave - a disturbance or variation that transfers energy progressively from point to point, amplitude - measure of a wave's height, frequency - number of waves passing by a specific point per second, wavelength - distance between 2 troughs or crests of a wave, trough - lowest point of a wave, crest - highest point of a wave, reflection - bouncing back of light when it strikes the medium, refraction - shift of light when it passes through a medium leading to the bending of light, transmit - to convey or pass along, electromagnetic wave - waves that can travel through the emptiness of space, they do not need a medium to travel, absorption - taking in of light when it hits a medium, medium - material a wave passes through, speed of sound - 343 m/s, speed of light - 300,000,000 m/s, frequency is measured in - the unit seconds, loudness - amplitude of a wave, solids - state of matter that particles are closest, violet - color with the highest frequency and shortest wavelength, red - color with the lowest frequency and longest wavelength, compression - part of a sound wave where particles are smooshed together (crest)., rarefaction - part of a sound wave where particles are spread out (trough)., analog signals - A continuous signal, such as a sound wave., digital signal - A signal in which continuous data has been translated to a series of noncontinuous digits, like 1 and 0., longitudinal wave - wave that goes back and forth such as a sound wave, transverse wave - wave that goes up and down such as a wave of water,

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