1) Starting from the right, what is the position of the encircled person? a) 10th b) 1st c) 3rd d) 8th 2) Starting from the right, what is the position of the encircled person? a) 2nd b) 10th c) 7th d) 1st 3) Starting from the right, what is the position of the encircled person? a) 5th b) 1st c) 3rd d) 7th 4) Starting from the right, what is the position of the encircled person? a) 6th b) 5th c) 4th d) 7th 5) Starting from the right, what is the position of the encircled person? a) 7th b) 8th c) 5th d) 4th 6) Starting from the right, what is the position of the encircled person? a) 2nd b) 3rd c) 10th d) 8th 7) Starting from the right, what is the position of the encircled person? a) 9th b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 10th 8) Starting from the right, what is the position of the encircled person? a) 5th b) 4th c) 6th d) 3rd 9) Starting from the right, what is the position of the encircled person? a) 4th b) 7th c) 5th d) 6th 10) Starting from the right, what is the position of the encircled person? a) 2nd b) 3rd c) 8th d) 9th

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