1) Journalism that sensationalizes the news to get more attention a) Muckraking b) Jounranlism c) The News d) Tabloisims e) Yellow Journalism 2) Important yell Jounralists a) William Randolph Hearst b) William Loyd Garrison c) Joseph Pulitzer d) Ida B Wells e) Ida Tarbell 3) Events that were sensationalized by Yellow Journalists which helped start the Spanish American War a) Spanish attacks on American soil b) Genocide c) Nuclear Weapons d) USS Maine sinking e) Alliances with Britain f) De Lome Letter 4) Territories won during the Spanish American War (according to the Treaty of Paris) a) Russia b) Philippines c) Panama d) Puerto Rico e) Guantanamo Bay in Cuba f) Hawaii 5) Which President became popular for leading the "Rough Riders" during the Spanish American War? a) Roosevelt b) McKinley c) Taft d) Wilson e) Monroe f) Grant 6) Which President became is responsible for making Hawaii a US Protectorate? a) Roosevelt b) McKinley c) Taft d) Dole e) Chicquita 7) Which country did the "Open Door Policy" allow trade in a) Hawaii b) Cuba c) China d) Puerto Rico e) Phillippines f) All Latin American Countries 8) What do you call it when Roosevelt threatened to use force force to protect Latin America from European control? a) Dollar Diplomacy b) Big Stick Policy c) War Hawking d) Roosevelt Corrolary e) Bullying f) Threat Diplomacy 9) How did Taft try to control countries in Latin America? a) Dollar Diplomacy b) Big Stick Diplomacy c) Imperialism d) Investing in their country e) By making an alliance f) By offering protection


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