The concept of gravity was discovered by which famous physicist? - Isaac Newton, How many colours are in the rainbow? - seven, True or False - Electrons are smaller than atoms - true, What is the hardest natural substance on Earth? - Diamond, What is the study of mushrooms called? - Mycology, Does sound travel faster in the air or in water? - water, Which oath of ethics taken by doctors is named after an Ancient Greek physician? - the Hippocratic Oath, What is the largest desert in the World? - the Sahara, Does 0 °C equal 0 °Farenheit? - no, How many farenheit is 0 °C? - 32, At what temperature are Celsius and Farenheit equal? - -40, What is the largest planet in the Solar System? - Jupiter, On what continent will you not find bees? - Antarctica, What is the heaviest organ in the human body? - the liver, How does fat leave your body when you lose weight? - through your sweat, urine and breath, How many teeth does an adult human have? - 32, How many bones are in the human body? - 206, What part of the human body serves the purpose of maintaining balance? - the ear, What was the name of the 1st man-made satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957? - Sputnik 1, Which planet is closest to the sun? - Mercury, Does the Sun go around the Earth or does the Earth go around the Sun? - The Earth goes around the Sun., Is the Earth flat or round? - The Earth is round, How long in KM is 1 mile? - 1 mile = 1,6 km, What is the only letter not to appear on the periodic table? - J, Which of the Oceans is the deepest? - the Pacific,

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