1) Maryna and I a) we b) they c) I 2) Yevheniia and Andrii a) we b) they c) I 3) Tatiana a) I b) we c) they 4) Yaryna a) you b) we c) they 5) Vova and Ihor a) we b) they c) you 6) Ann and I a) we b) they c) you 7) Viktor and Iryna a) we b) they c) you 8) Zoya, Maryna, Artem and Yevheniia a) we b) they c) you 9) Zoya and I a) we b) they c) you 10) Andrii a) he b) she c) it 11) Maryna a) he b) she c) it

Personal pronouns Roadmap A1

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