1) ... name is Lisa. I am a teacher. a) Her b) My c) His 2) Anne is 11 years old. ... mother is Sue. a) Her b) My c) His 3) Lucy has got a sister. ... name is Natalia. a) His b) Her c) Our 4) This is an elephant. ... nose is long. a) Its b) My c) Their 5) Lucy and Tom are brother and sister. ... mother´s name is Helen. a) Its b) Our c) Their 6) Batman is a superhero. ... car is the batmobile. a) Its b) His c) He 7) The Queen of the U.K. is Elizabeth II. This is ... crown. a) her b) she c) its 8) Paul and I are good friends. ... favourite videogame is "Call of Duty". a) We b) Our c) Their

Steps plus book 4, unit 6: Possessives

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