As a parent, it is ____ to help your 10-year-old daughter ____ healthy habits that will benefit her both now and in the ____. You should ____ her to eat a ____ diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while ____ her intake of junk food and sugary snacks. It’s a good idea to ____ her in meal planning and ____, which can help her develop an ____ for healthy food. In addition, try to limit the amount of time she spends ____ TV or using electronic ____ It’s important that you encourage her to ____ in physical activity, such as playing sports or going for a walk, which can help her ____ a healthy ____ and improve her overall well-being. Finally, make sure your daughter is taking proper care of her teeth by brushing twice a day and ____ regularly. Take her to the dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings to help prevent cavities and other dental problems. By promoting healthy habits and providing guidance and support, you can help your daughter develop a lifetime of good health and wellness.

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