1) What is the purpose of emphasis in grammar? a) To make a statement stronger b) To show uncertainty c) To clarify meaning d) To ask a question 2) Which word order is used in emphasis? a) Subject-verb-object b) Verb-subject-object c) It depends on the type of emphasis being used d) Object-subject-verb 3) In which of the following sentences is the word "only" used for emphasis? a) Only Mary ate the pizza. b) Mary ate only the pizza. c) Mary only ate the pizza. d) Mary ate the only pizza. 4) Which type of emphasis is used in the sentence "Not only did I finish my project, but I also started a new one"? a) Inversion b) Stress c) Emphatic adverbs d) Double negative 5) Which of the following phrases can be used to add emphasis to a clause? a) By the way b) To be honest c) In fact d) All in all 6) Which phrase can be used to start a sentence and place emphasis on an action or activity? a) That is b) There is c) It is d) All is 7) Which of the following phrases can be used to add emphasis to a sentence? a) In conclusion b) In particular c) In summary d) All of the above 8) Which of the following is an example of using a rhetorical question to add emphasis to a sentence? a) Did you see the new movie? b) Have you eaten yet? c) Can you hear me? d) Do you really think that's a good idea? 9) Which of the following is an example of using an emphatic adverb to place emphasis on a particular point in a sentence? a) I have never seen such a beautiful sunset before. b) I saw a beautiful sunset yesterday. c) I really enjoyed watching the sunset. d) I watched the sunset from my window. 10) Which of the following is an example of using an intensifier to add emphasis to a sentence? a) I am extremely tired. b) I am a little tired. c) I am tired. d) I am somewhat tired.

9B Grammar Emphasis

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