1) Which of the following is a property of quantum mechanics? a) Superposition b) Interference c) All of the above d) None of the above 2) Which of the following is NOT a type of variable in python? a) Float b) Boolean c) String d) Function 3) Which of the following demonstrates the correct order of the quantum stack? a) Qubits, quantum gates, quantum circuits, quantum algorithms & protocols, applications b) Qubits, quantum algorithms & protocols, quantum circuits, quantum gates, applications c) Quantum gates, qubits, quantum circuits, quantum algorithms & protocols, applications d) Quantum algorithms & protocols, quantum circuits, quantum gates, qubits, applications 4) Which of the following is the correct comparison for “not equal to” in python? a) != b) =! c) == d) !! 5) What is superposition? a) When one object’s state depends on the other’s b) The phenomenon that quantum objects can be in multiple states at once c) When a quantum object is forced to rancomly choose one classical state to be in when we want to find out what state it is in d) The quantum phenomenon that the states of objects can add up or cancel out 6) What is the correct syntax for defining a function called “example” with the inputs a,b, and c in python? a) def (example)(a, b,c): b) function example a,b,c: c) def example (a,b,c): d) def example (abc); 7) Which of the following shows the 1 state of a qubit in ket notation? a) |1> b) c) d) |11> 8) What is the output of the following quantum circuit? a) |1> b) |0> c) |+> d) |-> 9) What is the output of the following quantum circuit? a) |1> b) |0> c) |+> d) |-> 10) What is the probability of measuring |0> for a |+> state? a) 25% b) 50% c) 75% d) 100% 11) Applying the cx gate to a superposition creates ________. a) Entanglement b) Quantum tunneling c) Interference d) Decoherence 12) Which of the following quantum algorithms utilizes amplitude amplification? a) Shor’s Algorithm b) Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm c) Born’s Rule d) Grover’s Algorithm 13) Which of the following does quantum key distribution allow us to do? a) Send the equivalent of multiple classical bits with only one quantum bit b) Communicate securely in the presence of a third party c) Send a quantum state to someone far away using entangled qubits d) Quickly prime factorize large numbers 14) Which of the following is the normalized |+> state? a) 1/2|0> + 12|1> b) 1/4|0> + 1/2|1> c) 1/2|0> + 1/4|1> d) 1/2|0> + 1/2|1> 15) Which of the following is the correct matrix representation of the Z gate? a) b) c) d) 16) What is the final state of the following quantum circuit in vector notation? a) b) c) d) 17) Which of the following Big-O complexities represents a more efficient algorithm? a) O(n2) b) O(n!) c) O(log(n)) d) O(2n) 18) What is the Big-O complexity of Grover’s algorithm? a) O(1) b) O(n2) c) O(n) d) O(n1/2) 19) The CNOT gate is used to __________. a) Rotate θ radians around the x axis b) Rotate θ radians around the y axis c) Entangle circuits d) Rotate θ radians around the z axis 20) What is the correct order of the quantum error correction scheme? a) Encoding, sending over a noisy channel, error detection, error correction, decoding b) Sending over a noisy channel, error detection, error correction, encoding, decoding c) Sending over a noisy channel, encoding, error detection, error correction, decoding d) Decoding, sending over a noisy channel, error detection, error correction, encoding 21) Which of the following components of a quantum network is the least developed? a) End node hardware b) Communication line hardware c) Quantum repeater hardware d) None. They are all equally developed 22) Which of the following policies/standards would ensure fair policies for the creation and use of quantum networks? a) Ensure that no physical harm comes to the environment/community b) Ensure no one is forced to use only one company or technology c) All of the above d) None of the above 23) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using quantum sensors over classical sensors? a) Higher accuracy and precision b) Greater range c) Minimal disruption to the environment d) Cheaper to make 24) Which of the following measuring devices has the most effective application in medical imaging? a) Magnetometers b) Gravimeters c) Atomic clocks d) None of the above 25) What is the purpose of quantum error detection? a) Protect quantum computers form errors due to noise b) Ensure that the hardware for quantum computers are constructed accurately c) All of the above d) None of the above

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