accompany - Providing the rhythmic or harmonic support for the main melody , brass instruments - Produces a sound by sympathetic vibration of air in a tubular resonator from the vibration of the player’s lip, chord - A group of notes sounded together as a basis of harmony, conductor - A person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir, crescendo - A dynamic indication meaning gradually getting louder, crotchet - A note the length of one beat, diminuendo - A dynamic indication meaning gradually getting quieter, drone - A note or chord which is continuously sounded throughout most or all of a piece, dynamics - The loudness of a note or phrase of music, ensemble - A group of musicians playing together like an orchestra or a string quartet, expression - Playing and singing with a personal response to music, lyrics - The words of a song, flat - Makes a note lower in pitch by one semi-tone, harmony - The simultaneous combination of pitches, especially when blended into chords that are pleasing to the ear, keyboard instruments - Played by using a keyboard, a row of levers which are pressed by the fingers, major - a type of scale - usually sounds happy, minor - a type of scale - usually sounds sad, melodic ostinato - A pattern or notes, rhythms or movements that persistently repeats in a piece of music, melody - An identifiable succession of musical notes., minim - A note that lasts for two beats, musical stave - A set of five horizontal lines and four space that each represent a musical pitch., note - Symbols to represent sounds or pitches and duration of those sounds, percussion instrument - An instrument that is sounded by being struck or scraped, pitch - The frequency of a note determining how high or low it sounds., quaver - A note which lasts for half a beat, sharp - Makes a note higher in pitch by one semitone, tempo - The pace or speed of a section of music, texture - How tempo, melodic and harmonic materials are combine – usually described as thick and thin, timbre - The colour or quality of a note – the quality that makes a sound different from another (for example recognising that a sound is being made by a cello), wind instruments - Played by blowing into a mouthpiece or near the end of a resonator,

Music Vocabulary KS2

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