Physiological measurements of consciousness - Includes electroencephalograph (EEG), electromyograph (EMG), electro-oculograph (EOG) and other techniques to investigate consciousness (measurement of speed and accuracy on cognitive tasks, subjective reporting of consciousness, including sleep diaries, and video monitoring), Changes in a person's psychological state  - levels of awareness, controlled and automatic processes, content limitations, perceptual and cognitive distortions, emotional awareness, self-control and time orientation, Circadian rhythm  - 24 hour cycle (e.g. sleep/wake cycle) , Ultradian rhythm - Less than 24 hour cycle, REM Sleep - Rapid Eye movement sleep, NREM Stage 1 - Light sleep Easy to wake up, NREM Stage 2 - Start of 'true sleep' still light sleep, NREM Stage 3 - Beginning of 'deep sleep' - body is repairing, NREM Stage 4  - Get this at the start of the night and less as the night goes on, REM Sleep Quantity for Healthy Adult - 20% of the night,

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