Correct: Sound waves are longitudinal/compressional, Gamma rays can treat cancer, Infra red is used in cooking, UV has higher frequency than microwaves, Ultra violet radiation can cause burns, Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium, Mechanical waves do require a medium, Red shift supports the Big Bang Theory, An object moving away has a lower pitch, Red has the longest wavelength and bends last, Blue shift has shorter waves, moving towards , Osscialting Theory is periods of expansions & contraction. , Copernicus theorized the Heliocentric Theory (sun), Big Bang Theory started a central point & is expanding, high frequency = high pitch , Higher frequency in front of a moving object , Steady-State Theory- it has and will always be the same, Incorrect: Sound waves are transverse, frequency = wave speed x wavelength, Gamma waves have long wavelengths, Radio waves have high frequencies, Electromagnetic waves are longitudinal, Microwaves have higher frequencies than x rays, Radio waves can cause cancer, X-rays have the most energy on the electromagnetic spectrum, Mechanical waves DO NOT require a medium, low frequency = high pitch, Higher frequency in back of a moving object, violet has the longest wavelength,

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