Domain - Is the name by which a website is identified. It is associated with an IP address., Dot per inch (DPI) - In printing, video, or image scanner, the measurement of the number of individual dots that can be in an inch (or dpc: dots per centimeter.) Related to PPI (Pixels per inch), Dropdown Menu - Design that lets you display a list of contents by hovering or clicking on the heading and the list of contents drop down., Drop Shadow - A shadow added to an image or type that adds 3D depth to a 2D image., DTD - It is one of several SGML and XML schema languages. It provides a list of the attributes, comments, elements, entities, and notes in a document along with their relationships to each other., E-commerce - It’s the buying and selling of goods online, through websites., Elastic layout - It is one that uses percentages and ems for widths paired with a max-width style to allow the site layout to stretch when font sizes are changed., Element - In XML, it is the central building block of any document. Can contain text, other elements, or both., EM - Is a unit of measurement for sizing fonts and other elements within a web page relative to the item’s parent element. A 1em font is equal to the point size for the font already defined in the parent element (2x) would be twice the current size; .5(x) would be half the current size)., Embedded style - An embedded style is a CSS style written into the head of an XHTML document., EX - Is a measurement for font height or size relative to the height of a lowercase “x” in that font family., Extensiblemarkup language - Is a markup language used for writing custom markup languages. In other words, it describes how to write new languages (it’s sometimes referred to as a “meta” language because of this)., External style sheet - This is a CSS document that is written in a separate, external document. It can be linked to by multiple HTML/XHTML files,

Web Design Industry Jargon and Web Terms - Part 2.2

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