Emma's dad was a pilot but he wanted to be an ____. Emma loved listening to her father's funny stories about amazing planets and the strange ____ that lived there. One night, Emma couldn't sleep. She looked at all the stars through her bedroom window. "There are ____s of them", she thought. "I really want to travel in space and meet an alien!". One day, perhaps". Then ____ some lights appeared in the sky. The lights came nearer and nearer. "It's a spaceship!" Emma whispered. "Woooooow, it's in my garden now!". Emma ran outside but it was ____ and difficult to see very well. Something with a huge helmet on its head was opening a door and waving to her. Emma began to laugh. She could see her father's face. "Hello, Emma", he said. "Do you like my ____ new helicopter?" Come for a ride in it! We might see a spaceship". Title: ____. Harry's class at school was learning about caves, so the geography teacher, Mrs Park, decided to take the class to visit one. They caught a special bus to the ____ of an enormous cave. There they had to put on helmets with torches on them because the cave was really ____ inside. Without torched they couldn't see anything. First, they went down some steps. Then they walked along a ____ and saw some interesting rocks. Mrs Park said, "Many years ____, pirates kept their treasures here. We might find some gold!" They arrived at a small lake, where some boats were waiting. Mrs Park said, "These boats will take us to the exit of the cave". Harry got into one of the boats, and saw something in the water. "Look, I've found some ____ money. I don't think a pirate ____ this money here! It's very new!", said Harry. There was a shop near the bus stop. Harry used the money to buy some sweets and ate them with his classmates. Title: ____

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