1) Jane is wearing a shirt. ... skirt is pink. a) his b) her c) its d) our e) your f) my 2) George is wearing shoes. ... shoes are black. a) his b) her c) its d) our e) your f) my 3) I am wearing a hat. ... hat are brown. a) his b) her c) its d) our e) your f) my 4) Mary and Cindy are wearing dresses. ... dresses are blue. a) his b) her c) their d) our e) your f) my 5) Jim is wearing socks. ... socks are orange. a) his b) her c) their d) our e) your f) my 6) Mister Sebel is wearing a suit. ... suit is black. a) his b) her c) their d) our e) your f) my 7) You and Mike are wearing trousers. ... trousers are red. a) his b) her c) their d) our e) your f) my 8) Mick and Samantha are wearing the same t-shirt. ... t-shirts are red. a) his b) her c) their d) our e) your f) my 9) Marie and I are wearing sunglasses. ... sunglasses have green glasses. a) his b) her c) their d) our e) your f) my 10) Sam, Harry and you are wearing caps. ... caps are cool. a) his b) her c) their d) our e) your f) my

Possesive adjectives


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