1) I have a stomachache a) You should eat a hamburguer. b) You should drink soda. c) You should drink mint tea. d) You should go to the dentist. 2) I have an earache. a) You should listen to music. b) You should visit the doctor. c) You should go to the park.   d) You should go swimming. 3) I have a toothache. a) You should eat candies. b) You should visit your friend.  c) You should visit the dentist.   d) You should eat crunchy food.  4) I have a backache. a) You should stay in bed. b) You should do exercise.   c) You should ride a bike.   d) You should drink milk. 5) I have a runny nose. a) You should go swimming. b) You should use nasal spray.  c) You shouldn't use a jacket. d) You should run under the rain. 6) I have an eye infection.  a) You should go swimming.  b) You should use eye drops. c) You shouldn't glasses. d) You should watch TV.  7) I feel really tired. a) You should do exercise. b) You should sleep 8 hours at night.  c) You should eat all day long. d) You should play video games.  8) My arm is broken. a) You should play in the park. b) You shouldn't play in the park. c) You should take vitamins. d) You should watch TV all day long. 9) I have a headache. a) You should take vitamins. b) You should listen to music. c) You should take a painkiller. d) You should drink milk. 10) I have a cough.  a) You should take vitamin C.  b) You should sing every day. c) You should take a cough syrup.  d) You should drink warm milk.  11) She eats candies for lunch every day.   a) She should eat fruits and vegetables. b) She should have breakfast. c) She should drink milk and coffee. d) She should do some exercise. 12) They watch TV all day long on weekends.  a) They should play video games too.  b) They should eat popcorn and candies c) They should go outside and do exercise. d) The should go to the doctor. 13) My best friend always goes to sleep at 11 p.m.  a) He shouldn't go to sleep early. b) He shouldn't go to sleep late. c) He shouldn't drink soda. d) He shouldn't listen to music.  14) My grandma always drinks coffee all day long on weekends.  a) She should drink more water everyday. b) She should go to the doctor. c) She should take vitamins. d) She should drink coffee and chocolate. 15) She never has breakfast in the morning. a) She should eat well in the afternoon. b) She should have breakfast to have energy all day long. c) She shouldn't eat well in the morning. d) She shouldn't have lunch in the afternoon. 16) What does she do in the morning? a) She rides her bike in the morning. b) She reads comic books in the morning. c) She goes swimming in the morning. d) She does exercise in the morning. 17) What does he do in the afternoon? a) He plays the guitar in the afternoon. b) He plays the flute in the afternoon. c) He plays the drum kit in the afternoon. d) He plays the electric guitar in the afternoon. 18) What do they do at night? a) They watch TV and eat popcorn at night. b) They don't watch TV at night.  c) They play video games and eat popcorn at night.. d) They never watch TV and eat popcorn at night. 19) What do they do in every morning? a) They ride a bike in the park every morning. b) They do yoga in the park every morning. c) They go swimming in the sea every morning. d) They play video games every morning.  20) What does he do in the afternoon? a) He plays video games in the afternoon. b) He plays music instruments in the afternoon. c) He speaks italian in the afternoon. d) He runs in the park in the afternoon.

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