crucial - (adj.) very important and necessary, maintains - Although Billy has moved to Australia, he still (x) a close relationship with his friends in Hong Kong. (Meaning: keep), career - He entered the (x) of being a police officer., imagine - I couldn't (x) how life would be if I won a lottery! (Meaning: think about), properly - You should write each letter (x) on the answer sheet, or else the teacher can't understand your handwriting! (Meaning: in a tidy and correct way), aggressive - (adj.) ready to attack, blames - The boss (x) the worker for making the mistake in the production of shoes. (Meaning: to say that someone is responsible for something), territory - (n.) an area of land, threatened - Nick felt (x) by the robber as he pointed a gun towards him! What could Nick do now?, skin-deep - (adj.) superficial; not deep or lasting, convince - (v.) to use reasons to persuade another person, impression - When I first met Jack, I had the (x) that he was a very quiet person. , occasion - (n.) a special or formal event, victim - (n.) someone or something that has been hurt or killed, entertainment - (n.) the action of providing enjoyment, passion - Wendy has a great (x) for baking, so she started a bakery a year ago and it has been a successful business!, tragedy - (n.) a very sad event or situation that usually involves death ,

Vocab in conditional exercises

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