Magna Carta: Everyone including the king was subject to the law. , Englishmen got basic rights and freedoms. , Charters of the VA Company of London: guaranteed rights of Englishmen to the colonists, allowed people to establish a settlement in North America , VA Declaration of Rights : was a model for the Bill of Rights , Written by George Mason , Declaration of Independence : stated grievances against the king of England and declared the colonies' independence, affirmed certain "unalienable rights" and all people are "created equal" , Articles of Confederation: established national government but it was weak, maintained major powers belonged to the states, Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom: freedom of religious beliefs , model for the First Amendment, Constitution : established structure of US government, guaranteed equality under the law, Bill of Rights : first 10 Amendments to the Constitution , protected fundamental freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition ,

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