1) How many letters which exit from Al-Jawf? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 2) Letter Hamza exit from ....? a) Al-Jawf b) middle of the throat c) Deepest part of the throat 3) what is the articulation point of letter Qaaf? a) Deepest part of the tongue b) middle of the tongue c) The throat 4) What is the articulation point of letter Geem? a) tip of the tongue b) The throat c) middle of the tongue 5) What is the articulation point of letter Waw here يَقُولُ? a) tip of the tongue b) The throat c) Al-Jawf 6) What is the articulation point of letter ع? a) tip of the tongue b) middle of the throat c) Deepest part of the throat 7) What is the articulation point of letter sheen? a) tip of the tongue b) middle of the tongue c) Deepest part of the throat 8) What is the articulation point of letter Kaaf? a) middle of the tongue b) Deepest part of the throat c) Deepest part of the tongue 9) What is the articulation point of letter Yaa here طَيَرَ? a) middle of the tongue b) Deepest part of the throat c) Deepest part of the tongue 10) What is the articulation point of letter غ? a) Adnal halq b) Deepest part of the throat c) Deepest part of the tongue

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