1) Lia is the one ______ rescued the bird. a) what b) who c) that 2) The carpet ______ you bought has moth damage. a) what b) who c) that 3) The boy _______ stole your bike is at the door. a) what b) who c) that 4) The man ________ punched the great white shark is on TV. a) what b) who c) that 5) I know _________ happened last night. a) what b) who c) that 6) The girl ______ arrived is brunette. a) what b) who c) that 7) We bought a hammer _______ we hit all the wood up with a) what b) who c) that 8) You should take the job _______ makes you happy. a) what b) who c) that 9) The woman ______ lives next door is a teacher. a) what b) who c) that 10) The runner ________ won the race is a cancer survivor. a) what b) who c) that

Relative pronouns

Lyderių lentelė

Vizualinis stilius


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