Immediately - Right away or without delay; happening or done without waiting., Inferior  - : Not as good or not of the same quality as something else; lower in rank or ability., Exterior - The outside part or surface of something, like the outside of a building or the outer layer of an object., Intermediate - In the middle or between two points; not too easy and not too difficult., Ingredient - A substance that is used in making a dish or a product; it is one of the things that are mixed together to create something., Obedient - Doing what you are told or asked to do; following rules or instructions without arguing or questioning., Helium - A type of gas that is very light and can make things float, like balloons., Jovial - Being cheerful, happy, and full of good humour; someone who spreads joy and laughter., Patriot - A person who loves and supports their country; someone who is proud of their nation and shows loyalty to it., Custodian - Someone who takes care of and maintains a place, such as a school or a building; they ensure things are clean, safe, and in order.,

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