The kids are going _____ school. - TO, The kids are ______ school. - AT, The kids are ____ a party. - AT, He's going _____ a party. - TO, They're driving _____ the beach - TO, They're playing _____ the beach. - AT, She's walking _____ the top. - TO, She's _____ the top. - AT, They're playing ____ the park - AT, He's going _____ the park. - TO, They are _____ the fire. - AT, They're going _____ a fire. - TO, The ambulance is going ____ the hospital. - TO, The amulance is ____ the hospital. - AT, She's driving _____ the restaurant. - TO, She's eating _____ the restaurant. - AT, the mouse is close ____________ the box - TO, they are far ______________ the volcano - FROM, she's giving it ______ the boy - TO, he took the candy _______ the baby - FROM, he took his bags _______ the airport - TO, they're walking away _____ school - FROM, they are _____ the movies - AT, the cats are close _______________ each other - TO, the sun is far ______________ the man - FROM, He's looking _______ a calendar - AT,

Prepositions: 'to' , 'at' , 'from' - play for $$ flipcards

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