1) to have butterflies is to feel ...... a) sad b) nervous 2) A party animal is someone who ..... a) loves animals b) loves parties 3) The crunch time is .... a) to have no enough time b) to have enough time  4) He took a catnap. that means he ...... a) slept for so long b)   c) slept for a short period of time 5) You have big shoes to fill. This means ......... a) you have big feet. b) You feel pressure to do as well as someone who used to work before you. 6) She is screaming so loud. She is letting off steam. This means ...... a) She is angry b) She is doing something that will make her get rid of negative energy 7) I can't do it right now. I am swamped. This means ......... a) You are upset b) You are overwhelmed with a lot of tasks. 8) She got the scholarship! well-deserved she is a sharp cookie. This means..... a) she is super smart b) She is aggressive 9) I can't do this anymore. I must be burned out. This means.... a) you have a severe burn b) You have no energy to do something 10) She can't help you decide. She is a wishy-washy person. This means.... a) She is assertive. b) She is indecisive. 11) I went the extra mile to achieve my goal. This means.... a) You worked really harder more than expected of you. b) You had to move to another city or out of town. 12) Parents always bend over backward to make their families happy. This means.... a) they save money b) they work hard 13) Whhhhohhh it is the weekend. Time to slack off. This means.... a) time to plan for the next week b) time to do less and relax  14) To launch this project I burned the candle at both ends. This means.... a) I paid a lot of money b) I worked for long hours with little sleep or rest. 15) The book I purchased last week is a book to sink your teeth into reading it. This means.... a) I'll start it with a lot of energy and excitement. b) It is difficult to understand 16) I hate any monotonous work. This means.... a) I hate changing. b) I hate never changing. 17) You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them. You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them. a) to think of the most important first. b) to think of the least important first. 18) It is important that websites are optimized for mobile devices. This means...... a) to make something work. b) to make something as good as it can be. 19) One enterprising farmer opened up his field as a car park and charged people £10 to park there. This means...... a) he has the ability to trick people. b) he has the ability to think of new projects and make them successful. 20) Which word is a synonym for the word (strain) a) tension b) Success

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