1) to collect old things to create new materials to reuse again. a) reduce b) recycle c) chase 2) You have 7 cookies. If you take away 3 cookies how many cookies do you have ? a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 3) I'm small, black and yellow. I have two wings and six legs. I can make honey. What am I? a) spider b) ladybug c) honey bee 4) full of people or things; too many people a) greedy b) crowded c) awesome 5) You can buy pencils, paper, books and notebooks here. What is this place? a) recycling plant b) stationery store c) lake 6) someone who has very little or no money a) awesome b) rude c) poor 7) This place helps people recycle plastic, paper or metal. There are big machines in it. a) stationery store b) recycling plant c) grocery store 8) ı don't share and I always want more. I am .................. a) poor b) kind c) greedy 9) I have eight legs and I spin a web. I eat bugs. What am I? a) bee b) spider c) monkey 10) extremely good, amazing a) horrible b) awesome c) yuck 11) It's a state of matter. It doesn't have a shape. It takes the shape of its container. You can see it but you can't hold it. a) solid b) gas c) liquid 12) to help someone escape from a danger  a) reuse b) rescue c) chase 13) to run after someone; try to catch someone a) rescue b) grab c) chase 14) to want something to happen a) choose b) hope c) leave 15) to decide which thing you want; pick a) choose b) hope c) leave

G3- Vocabulary Challenge


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