1) How __________ your vacation? a) was b) had been 2) Great! We went skiing. I ___________ before? a) did never ski b) had never ski c) had never skied  3) _____________ that area before? a) Did you ever visit b) Had you ever visited c) Did you ever visited 4) It _____________ my first time there. a) had been b) was c) were 5) My parents _______________ into their new house last week, but there was a problem. a) were supposed to b) are supposed to c) are going to 6) I ________________ home and relax during the weekend, but there was an emergency at the hospital, so I had to go. a) am supposed to stay b) was going to stay c) am going to stay 7) A lot of money _____________ to charities that help animals. a) donates b) is donated c) has donated 8) The organization ____________ in 1976. a) is founded b) founded c) was founded 9) Volunteers ____________ to help elderly people in the community. a) are trained b) trained c) trains 10) The government ______________ new laws about climate change. a) will introduce b) will be introduced c) will have introduced 11) Our behavior _________________ by climate change. a) will alter b) will be altered c) will have altered 12) An award ___________ for all his charity work. a) is going to give b) is going to be given c) are giving 13) She told me _____________ a new computer! a) get b) getting c) to get 14) They explained that we _______________ first prize yesterday. a) had won b) won c) winning 15) She said that she _____________ text me as soon as she left work. a) will b) can c) would 16) If ____________, I'd take piano lessons. a) I'd more time b) I had more time 17) If I lived in a smaller town, I ___________ get to work faster. a) can b) 'd be able to 18) If my job ___________ better, I'd felt happier about it. a) paid b) had paid c) 'd paid 19) If I ____________ live anywhere in the world, I'd choose to live in the Rockies. a) could b) 'd be able to c) will 20) I wish I _______________ Japanese. a) spoke b) could speak c) speak 21) I wish I ____________ my report last night. a) had finished b) finish c) finished 22) I wish I ______________ free time this weekend. a) had b) will have c) can have

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