1) Select the correct Past simple Negative form  a) I had a bike at the age of five b) Did she have a bike? c) I didn't have a bike 2) Did you have fun at the concert? a) Yes, I do b) Yes, She did. c) Yes, I did. 3) Put in order the following words: She-  Not write- Could- Three- When - Was- She a) She could write when she was three b) She not could write when she was three c) She couldn't write when she was three 4) What's the correct past form of the verb "stop"? a) Stoped b) Stopped c) Stopt 5) What's the correct past form of the verb "Cry"? a) Cries b) Cryed c) Cried 6) Which question is grammatically correct? a) Did you went to a coffee shop this morning? b) Did Stella cried on the bus? c) Did Juan invite you to his birthday? 7) Which sentence is correct? a) Did the cake tasted good? b) Did you backed the cake in the oven? c) Did Marcus wash the dishes at the end? 8) The fireworks __________ look very bright last night a) Weren't b) Didn't c) Couldn't 9) Lucas and Rebeca _____ exercise together a) Made b) Did c) were 10) Paul ____ study for his English exam a) Wasn't b) Were c) Didn't 11) Select the correct sentence a) Janice wasn't run fast b) Rebeca was not have time to visit the museum c) John didn't study for his math test 12) Did you _____ a computer when you were young, Grandad?  a) Do b) Can c) Have 13) Visitors to the museum didn't _____ credentials. They ____ tickets. a) Had- did b) Do-Have c) Have- Had. 14) Who cooked the food? a) His mom was. b) His mom had. c) His mom did. 15) _____ John invite you to his party? a) Has b) Had c) Was d) Did 16) When he was young, he _____ fly kites a) Did b) Was c) Could 17) He ____ sick yesterday. He _____ play any sports. a) Could-Did. b) Was-Didn't.  c) Was- Did.

Past Simple n3

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