1) I ... very excited! a) — b) am c) is 2) Where ... you last night? I called you, but you ... at home. a) were, wasn't b) was, were c) were, weren't 3) Hello! ... you from here? a) is b) were c) are 4) I remember I ... very worried, but you ... calm. a) was, are b) was, wasn't c) was, were 5) Betty and Paul ... at home, they ... at the cinema. a) weren't, are b) weren't, were c) were, were 6) We ... from the north of Italy. I ... from Torino, and Francesca ... from Milano. a) are, was, was b) are, am, is c) were, was, was 7) '... you tired after the concert?' — 'Yes, I ... .' a) were, am b) were, was c) were, were 8) I'm sorry. You ... right and I ... wrong. a) were, am b) were, wasn't c) were, was 9) ... you here on holiday? a) are b) were c) weren't 10) There ... a cafe nearby. a) is b) are c) were 

to be: present simple and past simple

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