1) KABUL ETMEK a) accept b) refuse c) invite d) promise 2) REDDETMEK a) share b) support c) refuse d) count on 3) İYİ ANLAŞMAK, İYİ GEÇİNMEK a) back up b) give advice c) trust d) get on well 4) SAYGI DUYMAK, SAYGI GÖSTERMEK a) discuss b) prepare c) respect d) occur 5) MEŞGUL a) punctual b) hungry c) occupied d) calm 6) DESTEKLEYİCİ a) supportive b) priceless c) reliable d) possible 7) SIR TUTMAK a) share secret b) tell secret c) keep secret d) tell lie 8) TARTIŞMAK a) discuss b) choose c) apologize d) break promise 9) DAVET ETMEK a) invite b) hear c) find d) get on well 10) FARKLI a) same b) similar c) excuse d) different 11) DOSTLUK a) friendship b) relationship c) interest d) loyalty 12) GÜVENMEK a) support b) count on c) get on well d) back up 13) İLGİ, İLGİ ALANI a) interest b) neighbour c) buddy d) opinion 14) TARİH a) place b) time c) invitation d) date 15) MİSAFİR, KONUK a) guest b) idea c) invitation d) feeling 16) RAHAT a) relaxed b) funny c) punctual d) honest 17) ARKADAŞ, DOST a) enemy b) secret c) important d) buddy / mate 18) DOĞRUYU SÖYLEMEK  a) tell lie b) tell secret c) tell the time d) tell the truth 19) KATILMAK (PARTİYE VS) a) get on well b) share c) attend d) count on 20) MAZERET, BAHANE a) excuse b) invitee c) date d) meet 21) SIR a) relaxed b) excited c) secret d) same 22) ZAMAN GEÇİRMEK, VAKİT GEÇİRMEK a) spend time b) share time c) miss time d) waste time 23) UĞRAMAK a) count on b) come over c) get on well d) back up 24) AYNI a) different b) common c) same d) awesome 25) ÖZÜR DİLEMEK a) apologize b) accept c) refuse d) give advice 26) TARİF ETMEK, TANIMLAMAK a) invite b) need c) describe d) occur 27) YALNIZ, TEK BAŞINA a) full b) fashionable c) caring d) alone 28) GÜVENMEK a) come over b) support c) offer d) rely on 29) MODAYA UYGUN a) yummy b) calm c) fashionable d) individual 30) FİKİR, GÖRÜŞ a) dishonesty b) opinion c) loyalty d) secret 31) ÖNEMSEYEN a) honest b) supportive c) reliable d) caring 32) SÖZÜNÜ TUTMAMAK a) keep promise b) break promise c) give advice d) build friendship 33) BULUŞMAK a) choose b) trust c) meet d) mean


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