Water ........ (boil) at 100 degrees., The water...... (boil) now, so you can put in the pasta., (you/come) tonight?, (he/come) to London often?, (you/come) to the cinema later?, (you/play) tennis this Sunday?, I .......(not/drink) coffee very often., Julie  ........(read) in the garden., The class ..... (begin) at nine every day., What ..... (you/eat) at the moment?, What ...(you/do)?, I'm sorry, I ..... (not/understand)., Take your umbrella, it .... (rain)., it often .... (rain) in autumn., The bag .... (belong) to Jack., I ... (live) with my friend until I can find a house of my own, The flowers .... (smell) lovely!, My mother .... (teach) maths.

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