1) ___ owns that car? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 2) ___ did you meet? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 3) ___ was her father? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 4) To ___ were you talking? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 5) '____ is your brother?' 'The one next to Luka'. a) Who b) Whom c) Which 6) '____ do you think earns more, a teacher or a police officer?' a) Who b) Whom c) Which 7) I've decided to buy one of these jumpers. ___ one do you think I should choose? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 8) ____ of you would like to go first? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 9) To ____ should the documents be sent? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 10) ____ of you is Dr Hansen? I have a message for you. a) Who b) Whom c) Which 11) A: Here's a photo of our children at the fancy dress party. B: ____ is Isabella? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 12) A: Is your sister at home? B: ____ one do you want to speak to? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 13) _____ do you hold responsible for the damage? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 14) ____ will captain the team if Zeinab isn't available? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 15) ____ would you rather be - a doctor or a vet? a) Who b) Whom c) Which 16) ____ translated the book? a) Who b) Whom c) Which

 Advanced Grammar in Use | Unit 26: Wh-questions with who, whom, which [Part 1] 

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