1) Snow white is ............... (old) princess of the world. a) older b) oldest c) the oldest 2) Bella is ................ (pretty) princess in the world. a) the prettier b) the prettyest c) the prettiest 3) Rapunzel has ........... (long) hair. a) longer b) the longer c) the longest 4) Baby Vaiana is .............. (young) princess. a) the younger b) the youngest c) younger 5) Cinderella is ............ (tall) princess a) the tallest b) taller c) the taller 6) Mudito is ............. (small) of all of them. a) smaller b) the smallest c) smallest 7) Sullye is .............. (big) monster. a) bigger b) the bigest c) the biggest 8) Jack-Jack is ............... (short) in his family. a) shortest b) the shortest c) smaller


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