1) A solid dissolving in a liquid is.. a) a solvent b) a solute c) a solution 2) A liquid doing the dissolving is.. a) the solution b) the solvent c) the solute 3) A solution with the maximum amount of solid dissolved up is..... a) wet b) saturated c) solvent d) insolvent 4) Solute and solvent togather make a) a mess b) a solution c) a salvation 5) Sublimation is....... a) When a solid turns into a liquid b) When a solid turns into a gas c) When a liquid turns into a solid d) When a gas turns into a liquid 6) T/F solids can be compressed easily a) True b) False 7) Which of these can be compressed most easily.....? a) solid b) liquid c) gas 8) What happens to a solid that is heated? a) Expands b) Contracts c) Nothing 9) Railways have rails with gaps that allow expansion in a) Summer b) Winter 10) Liquid in glass thermometers use a) Alcohol b) Water  c) Wax d) Silver 11) Liquid in glass thermometers use a) sapphire b) mercury c) silver d) lead e) steel 12) Liquid in glass thermometers work because a) the liquid contracts b) the liquid expands c) the liquid's density remains constant 13) Particle theory was shaped by John.... a) Wick b) Smith c) Dalton d) Lennon 14) Melting is  a) when a solid turns into a gas b) when a liquid freezes into a solid c) when a solid turns into a liquid 15) Diffusion is a) when a particle moves from left to right b) when particles move from low concentration to high c) when particles move from high concentration to low 16) Diffusion is NOT seen in a) solids b) liquids c) gases 17) When potassium permanganate is placed a beaker of water the particles will eventually a) sink to the bottom b) rise to the top c) spread out evenly 18) The boiling point of water  a) is 100°C b) is 100°K c) is 0°C d) is 100°F 19) Bromine's boiling point is 58, its melting point is -7. At 40 °C it is a) solid b) liquid c) gas 20) Chlorine boils at -34°C, and melts at -101°C. At -105°C it is a) solid b) liquid c) gas 21) A small amount of water heated in a can that is then cooled causes a) the can to implode b) the can to explode c) the can to melt

Ffynone House - Y7 particles: diffusion, compression, contraction, expansion, solubility, state change

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