1) 不要大叫 a) Don't shout. b) Let's go. c) Let's count. d) Don't talk. 2) 不要奔跑 a) Sorry, I don't know. b) Put down your pencil. c) Don't run. d) Come in. 3) 有問題嗎 a) Any Question? b) Spell the word " ." c) Please turn to page 25. d) Pick up your pencil. 4) 請進 a) Any Question? b) Don't shout. c) Please turn to page 25. d) Come in. 5) 不好意思 a) Excuse me. b) Don't talk. c) I'm sorry. d) Don't shout. 6) 不要說話 a) See you later. b) Put down your pencil. c) Don't shout. d) Don't talk. 7) 好主意 a) Who's next? b) Good idea. c) Don't run. d) Pick up your pencil. 8) 你呢? a) How about you? b) May I go to the bathroom? c) Let's count. d) Spell the word " ." 9) 對不起 a) Excuse me. b) Time's up. c) Turn on the light. d) I'm sorry. 10) 我們走吧 a) See you later. b) Come in. c) Let's go. d) Good idea. 11) 我們來讀 a) Line up. b) Let's read. c) Don't shout. d) Turn on the light. 12) 我們來數 a) Let's count. b) Don't talk. c) I'm sorry. d) Repeat after me. 13) 排隊 a) Line up. b) Spell the word " ." c) Turn off the light. d) Sorry, I don't know. 14) 時間到 a) Any Question? b) Let's go. c) Time's up. d) Stand up. 15) 鉛筆拿起來 a) Don't run. b) Come in. c) Pick up your pencil. d) How about you? 16) 鉛筆放下 a) Turn on the light. b) Don't talk. c) How about you? d) Put down your pencil. 17) 拼出 " "這個字 a) Excuse me. b) Spell the word " ." c) Line up. d) Repeat after me. 18) 換誰了? a) Pick up your pencil. b) Let's count. c) Who's next? d) Repeat after me. 19) 給我看你的作業 a) Show me your homework. b) How about you? c) Come in. d) May I go to the bathroom? 20) 抱歉 我不知道 a) Spell the word " ." b) Sorry, I don't know. c) Any Question? d) Let's count. 21) 待會見 a) Please turn to page 25. b) Any Question? c) Pick up your pencil. d) See you later. 22) 請翻到25頁 a) Please turn to page 25. b) Turn on the light. c) Who's next? d) How about you? 23) 開燈 a) Turn on the light. b) Be quiet. c) Sit down. d) Let's count. 24) 關燈 a) Turn off the light. b) Who's next? c) Come in. d) Let's read. 25) 我可以去廁所嗎? a) Please turn to page 25. b) Show me your homework. c) May I go to the bathroom? d) Sorry, I don't know. 26) 起立 a) Stand up. b) May I go to the bathroom? c) Let's go. d) Who's next? 27) 坐下 a) Let's count. b) Sit down. c) Time's up. d) Line up. 28) 跟我念一次 a) Who's next? b) Repeat after me. c) Don't run. d) Sorry, I don't know. 29) 安靜 a) Don't run. b) Spell the word " ." c) Be quiet. d) Excuse me. 30) 午安 a) Good afternoon. b) Good morning. c) Good evening. d) Goodbye.

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